I still can't believe how amazing the concert was - I screamed my lungs out! Haha it was a-m-a-z-i-n-g!
I CANT believe it aghghghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
Hmm,your thinking, she hasn't said which band she went to see!
Well, here is the unveiling!
*drum roll*
But don't judge me! I love one direction but I also love all kinds of other music! Its just I'm not just the stereotypical teenage boyband-loving teenage girl.
Seriously though, it was brilliant! All of their accents together were so cute!
There were so many amazing scenery and lights and effects and they even glided above everyone across the audience!:O
Another great thing about the concert was the support act.... well one of them! The first act to come on was Camryn ... she was ... um- interesting?
However, the next act were brilliant! 5 Seconds of Summer: a new favourite of mine! That's definitely a band I'll be listening to from now on! Certainly for more than '5 seconds'- oh dear that was bad!;-)
Here, to make it better enjoy this photo of the band:

Oh, and did I mention they're AUSTRALIAN? I mean come on they're just amazing AND they play instruments with their songs!
Do you like One Direction? What sort of music do you like?
Au Revoir!